Photo by Marcus dePaula on Unsplash

Don’t Miss the Transformative “Movable Type” Revolution at SXSW!

Adam Richardson


(This is a sneak peak of the presentation that I, Johannes Gutenberg, will be giving at this year’s SXSW. Please vote for my session on the PanelPicker! — KRs, JG)

We are all too familiar with the problem: knowledge is locked up in silos, and the millions of regular people who could leverage this knowledge are shut out from it by three overwhelming barriers:

  1. Costs of media creation and distribution are astronomical, far out of reach of regular people.
  2. The time and effort involved to create each new copy of a book are similarly enormous, slowing to a trickle the dissemination of the world’s extant and emerging knowledge.
  3. The incumbent players — most notably The Church — tightly hold the reigns of creation and distribution, and are unwilling to let go of their near monopoly power over knowledge distribution.

This is an industry full of unmet user needs, and ripe for disruption! And that is exactly what I intend to do with my transformative new invention, which I will bring out of stealth mode and unveil at SXSW:

The Movable Type Printing Press Incorporating Molten Lead Letters and Screw-thread Pressure Plate



Adam Richardson

Founder of The Enigma Bureau / Innovation & UX strategy consulting / workshop leader / frog design alum / HBR contributor /